This Book Is Overdue

The Librarians of the Wednesday Shuffleboard League at Franklin Alley Social Club.  

TBIO has an Instagram: 

Here is the team:

Stephanie (Captain)

Fun Facts:
•She has two cats. 
•The cats speak to her telepathically.

•She is from the Midwest.
•Her escape from Michigan was made into a Lifetime Movie starring Melissa Joan Hart and Scott Wolf.

•She holds the process patent on the librarian "Sssshhhh!" which she invented during her days working retail.

Please note that this is an AI generated image and may not reflect the Captain.


Fun Facts:

•No longer a librarian, but still one at heart

•Is always willing to talk about cats

•Enjoys good bad movies and puns

•Used to be really into hula hooping and fire breathing 

•Maybe the real treasure was the mac and cheese we ate along the way



Fun Facts:




•Once spent twenty five weeks in a tree to protest the unjust removal of "Firefly" on Fox.

•Drinks a remarkable amount of tea.

•She's just here for tater tots.



Fun Facts:

•Avid Hiker.

•Works in a library but NOT a librarian.

•Hobbies include scent mixology.

•Master locksmith.

•President of the Hare Club for Men, a local rabbit enthusist group.


Fun Facts:
•His favorite band is Radiohead.

•Not a Librarian.

•Prefers running then drinking beer to drinking beer then shuffleboard.

•Takes this a little too seriously.



Fun Facts:


•Lives in Albany, works in Schenectady, shuffles in Troy.  #518Represent

•Had her first screen play produced at the age of 8, it would be released as "Empire Records".

•Is known in Shuffling circles as the "Last Frame Ninja".


Fun Facts:

•Has an encyclopedic knowledge of modern rock.

•Dreams of owning an organic coffee house called "The Java Hut"

•Was Pete Davidson's tattoo artist.

•Is also just here for the tots.

Amy (Honorary)

Fun Facts:

•Once a player now a supporter.

•Has fascinating stories.

•Was President of FFA in High School.

•Announced on a reality show that " (she is) here to make friends".