Tour of Stewart's

What is this?

A friend made an observation:

When out on the back roads of #UpstateAmerica, when you see the first Stewart's, you are entering civilization and when you see the second, you are leaving it.

I laughed.

And then I offered that in the middle of my town, there were two within two miles of each other. (See the first image.)

The friend then pointed out that they were linked by a cutover.

But it got me thinking.

Stewart's is iconic, or at least notable, in Upstate NY.

There are three hundred of them within 200 miles of my house. (See the second image.)

The ubiquity of them made me think that there should be something stupid to show our love of this brand.

So...the Tour of Stewart's.

Now, I have not done this...yet.  I am going to do one, probably following Rt. 2 from Brunswick into Troy, through Watervliet and into Latham, finishing in Albany.  I will do this when I need a long slow run and can document it.

BUT...I wanted to put it out there.

You can modify the rules in anyway you want.  However, I think that you should announce what your rules are before you start.

Tour of Stewart’s 2022

The Rules:

Declare if you are going via bike or foot.  You can go by car but what is the fun in that?

Choose how many Stewart’s you want to hit. 10, 15, 20, or 26 (For the Marathon).

Declare how long you think is going to take and how far you will go.

You must document each Stewart’s with a picture of you in front of the store.

You must be tracking yourself via a GPS capable device.

You must purchase (but you do not have to consume for whatever reason):

Stewart’s Ice Cream

Stewart’s Egg & Cheese

Stewart’s Coffee

Stewart’s Soda

A Lottery Ticket (Scratchy or PowerBall/Mega Millions)

You cannot purchase all the items at a singular Stewart’s

Post your proof to social media. Share with your friends and those who are not friends but you are competing against them anyway, probably because of some grudge that has festered for years. Tag your posts #StewTou22

Winners at each level will be chosen based on two different criteria:

Fastest Time

Shortest Distance 

This is so very #UpstateAmerica.